How I Tore up My Fiverr Profile To Increase Sales By 60% - Part 2 of 2

A step-by-step guide showing key changes I made to my Fiverr profile, and how this led to a 60% improvement in the one metric that matters – sales.

fiver casestudy improving profile

If you’ve read part one of this series, you’ll be aware of the process I used for an honest re-assessment of my Fiverr profile, resulting in me replacing my thumbnail with one that increased my projected sales significantly. In this article, I’m going to apply the same approach to the rest of my Fiverr gig, including the title, and gig description. Let’s get straight into it.

Improving Fiverr tags with Google keyword planner

There are a couple of key components to rank well in Fiverr search results. The first is clearly visual – a good-looking thumbnail that exudes quality will result in greater impressions. Fiverr gives precedent to high-quality profiles, much like Google ranks quality content based on its appearance. Fiverr will also rank results based on quality – if your thumbnail looks like it was drawn by a drunken child it will rank less highly. The same goes for the gig description and title – if these are well-written they will ultimately generate views and clicks. Ultimately, we need clicks for a conversation that will lead to a sale. 

I reviewed my gig profile, including my keywords or tags as Fiverr calls them, which is a key metric for people finding what I’m offering via the search function. I had done this some time ago, and I found my tags were not great – I understand SEO more than I did when I first created my profile, and in SEO terms I was not using long-tail keywords, ie they were just not specific enough to get those niche searches funnelling through. It’s worth noting that Fiverr now has a specific AI services category – they can obviously see the writing on the wall and they’re updating what they offer accordingly:

Anyway, I removed my existing generic search tags like proof reader, copyeditor, and writer. These were more old-school search terms associated with more traditional writing industries. I can’t imagine many marketers on Fiverr searching for a copywriter, but they might search for a content writer or more specific searches related to what they want, SEO content writer etc. With this in mind, I added search terms I found from google keywords planner, see the screencap below:

AI keywords analysis on

If you’re not familiar with google keyword planner, it’s a great tool. It’s part of their ad sense package, and it lets you plan for good keywords in your niche, with a view to then buying pay-per-click advertising. The secret is to not buy the ads, but use the planner.

This planner also lets you refine and sort by the most popular, or highest bid keywords, which are usually the very niche long-tail-keywords which people are competing over as they generate the most sales. The reason for this is that they’re specific and indicative of customers who are more likely to pull the trigger and make a sale/ purchase. Anyway, I used some of these as tags, to try and pull in specific searches related to AI. Here’s what these tags ended up as finally: fiverr tags keywords analysis

I went with ‘Improve AI Writing’, ‘AI content writer’ etc - search-specific tags that would improve my ranking and hopefully snag me customers looking to make a purchase.

Improve the writing in your Fiverr gig description

Next, I updated my gig itself, including the copy in the gig description – for me, this meant removing a couple of bullet points that were too long and overwritten. It also included removing any ‘negative’ language – where I was warning people about how to order, not to do x y z. This made me sound (I realised when reviewing it) slightly hard work and high maintenance! This is the copy I decided on in the end:

It's 2023 - if you're a professional marketer, you're probably using AI writing or 'content-mill' writers to write quick copy for your site.

This exploded in 2022, but is the content good quality? Quality is a hugely important metric that affects SEO and your Google rank.

Good quality, well-written content generates increased engagement, leads to longer browsing sessions, and increases trust in the legitimacy of your project. This gives readers value, and ultimately improves your visibility.

It's obvious to English speakers when content isn't well-written and authentic. This is detectable by Google - it affects your ranking and increases your bounce rate.

I'm a UK-native, and proofread and re-write AI content, turning it into natural, engaging writing, including:

  • Copy-editing, restructuring

  • Rewriting to introduce natural English

  • Improving spelling and grammar

  • Rewriting to increase engagement and add personality 

I have been re-writing AI content since March 2022, and have many 5* reviews due to my attention to detail and commitment to excellence.

If you can't see what you want on my gig, just message me - I'm happy to discuss your project and get started today.

So, with my photo and copy updated, I just wanted to review my Gig title. As it happens, I was happy with it. It simply read ‘REWRITE YOUR AI CONTENT TO NATIVE ENGLISH’ – this captured the service, as well as the fact that I was a native English speaker – often an important metric in the writing world. There is an option for me to make this more flashy in the future – ie rewriting to make it more attention-grabbing and to ‘sell’ confidence, as the space becomes more crowded, but for now, it has worked in the past and I will keep it.

The changes to my gig were now in place and I was interested to see the improvement. Because of the changes last week, my profile is in a state of change. If the changes have been effective, I will probably notice an increase in messages and general engagement with my gig, and maybe even orders over the next month.

Decline in my Fiverr 7-day impressions and clicks

At the time of writing here are my 7-day impressions and clicks. The more eagle-eyed amongst you will notice this isn’t a huge improvement, in fact, it’s more or less the same, with a slight decline if anything. I put this down to the changes ‘unsettling’ my profile in the rankings - this is a real phenomenon that has been observed – and I still hope to see further improvement.

Ultimately, while revising this aspect of my profile didn’t reap instant results, it’s part of an ongoing process. The lesson I learned, and a great takeaway for anyone reading this, is don’t bury your head in the sand. Continuous improvement is the way to increase engagement – although it’s frustrating trying to figure out the whims of the algorithm, there are ways to work with it to increase sales. The great thing is once you do figure it out, it’s suddenly working with you and the orders will just flow. This isn’t the last change I will make to my Fiverr profile, and until I hit the constant flow of orders I’ve had in the past, I will continue to refine and perfect it. You should do the same.

Enjoy the post? Check out some others below. Think I’m wrong? Let me know, and we can argue about it in the comment section until one of us gets bored. If you’re looking for a writer, get in touch.

Phil Gratton

Hi - I’m a content writer and editor, currently residing in the UK. After working in a professional environment, I transitioned into freelance writing in 2020, and have recently worked with clients including Anker. I write compelling, original content, as well as spending an increasing amount of time editing AI-generated writing.


I Can Quit Anytime I Want


How I Tore Up My Fiverr Profile To Increase Sales By 60% - Part 1 of 2